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The Bridgeton Grist Mill

The Bridgeton Mill is a beautiful historic site as well as a fully operational gristmill. Each of our products is fresh stone ground and 100% natural.

Bridgeton Mill is located in scenic Parke County, Indiana - home to 32 covered bridges and the Covered Bridge Festival. There are several other events that take place at the mill year round, and it is open for business throughout the warm months. The mill is also available for private tours, school field trips, parties, and weddings. Please contact us for more information and available dates.

Come watch as the massive French Buhr stones gently grind wheat into flour and corn into meal. Feel the vibration in the floor as they do their work. Learn how one of the world's first factories was operated, and see Indiana's most famous covered bridge!

The Bridgeton Mill
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The History of Flour Milling in Early America
... generic word for grain. More specifically meaning a mill that grinds wheat, rye, oats, and ... wheat was grown and milled. Wheat was sifted or bolted into white flour. In sifting the bran and ...
SHAKESPEARIAN GLOSSARY ABATE to shorten To cast down To blunt ABATEMENT diminution ABHOR protest; disgust ABIDE to sojourn to expiate ABLE to uphold ABRIDGEMENT a short play ABROAD away, apart...

Shakespeare 101 ~ page 3
Surfing with the Bard Student Zone ~ Shakespeare 101 Glossary

Welcome To the William Shakespeare Home Page!
... used as an oath. 'Od's Bodikin,' God's little Body BOITIER VERT: green box BOLLEN: swollen BOLTED: sifted, refined BOLTER ... clog CHUCK: term of endearment that means chicken CHUFF: an aggressive ...

Dictionary of Shakespeare
Shakespeare, dictionary, glossary, lexicon, Elizabethan ... As blanks, benevolences, and I wot not what bolted, bolt refined, high quality, sifted, as in flour - the original sense (see unbolted) 11 ...

NetSERF's Hypertext Medieval Glossary: B
NetSERF's Hypertext Medieval Glossary. B. A / B / Ca-Cn / Co-Cy / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z. Bacinet: Relatively light helmet with...

Online Shakespeare: Glossary A - L
... plenteously A-HOLD - a sea-term AIERIE - the nest of a ... having more than one meaning AMES-ACE - two aces, the lowest throw of the dice AMORT - dead, dejected AN - if ANCHOR - an anchorite ...

NetSERF: Hypertext Medieval Glossary: B
Hypertext Medieval Glossary B. Search NetSERF. NetSERF Features. Medieval Glossary PDA Version. Advanced Search. Medieval News. Random Medieval Site. Tell a Friend New to NetSERF Top 10 NetSERF...

William Shakespeare - denn das ganze Web ist eine Bühne...
Glossary from The Complete Moby(tm) Shakespeare. A-D | E-M | N-R | S-Z. ABATE. to shorten; To cast down; To blunt. ABATEMENT. diminution. ABHOR. protest; disgust. ABIDE. to sojourn; to expiate. ...

Excerpt from A Haunting in Tennessee, Introduction by Alan M. Clark and John Davis
An excerpt from A Haunting in Tennessee, Edited by Bridget McKenna, Introduction by Alan M. Clark and John Davis. Crow Street specializes in quality fiction and nonfiction electronic...

Prospect Books: Glossary
... from trees or plants. The meaning was extended to an oily or resinous preparation ... husked and milled) is still an article of commerce. French barley, 107, is a term often used in 17th and 18th ...

Glossary from The Complete Moby(tm) Shakespeare
... bore the image of; an angel ANIGHT by night ANSWER retaliation ANTHROPOPHAGINIAN a cannibal ANTICK the fool in the old plays ANTRE a cave ... embolden BOLLEN swollen BOLTED sifted, refined BOLTER ...

... A pie of veal, herbs, dates, & eggs - contributed by Joyce Baldwin. Original recipe from Harleian MS. 279 Vyaunde Furnez: Crustade. Take vele, an smyte in lytle pecys in-to a potte, an...

Weekly Update Archive
An archive of the weeklt news update of Mt. Baldy Zen Center

Short Stories about Novgorod Land
Translated by G.Bashkov
flour-msg ­ 5/25/02 Flours. Period flours. Approximating them with modern flours. Types of flours. Flour sources. chickpea flour. NOTE: See also the files bread-msg, breadmaking-msg,...

C H A P T E R 1. WHEAT AND GRAIN FLOURS. 3843_Amendola_01.qxd 7/24/02 3:39 PM Page 1. 3843_Amendola_01.qxd 7/24/02 3:39 PM Page 2. A ny discussion of baking must begin with its most elemen- tal...

A Life Pilgrimage on the Quaker Highway, Chapter V
CHAPTER V. Every ambitious young man has his own notions concerning his future. In this case, the first real ambition was that some day he would be a teamster - a drayman with a splendid team of...

XtremeNews: Articles Archives
XtremeNews. News and sound bites for XtremeRecruiters. August 27, 2003. Hungry Companies Chase Sales and Marketing Pros. Sales/Marketing -- Salary Data and Hiring Trends. Employers have cut...

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Chris Roe and ACN