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The Bridgeton Grist Mill

The Bridgeton Mill is a beautiful historic site as well as a fully operational gristmill. Each of our products is fresh stone ground and 100% natural.

Bridgeton Mill is located in scenic Parke County, Indiana - home to 32 covered bridges and the Covered Bridge Festival. There are several other events that take place at the mill year round, and it is open for business throughout the warm months. The mill is also available for private tours, school field trips, parties, and weddings. Please contact us for more information and available dates.

Come watch as the massive French Buhr stones gently grind wheat into flour and corn into meal. Feel the vibration in the floor as they do their work. Learn how one of the world's first factories was operated, and see Indiana's most famous covered bridge!

Buy stone ground corn meal, grits and flour online
Use stone ground flour, corn meal or grits, milled the old ... Products Goo Gone Syrups Stone Ground Flour, Meal, Grits Jams Hams & Bacon Gift Baskets Fuller Brush All Natural Soaps Foot Care ...

The Stone Mill
... | Bread | Facts | Where to Buy | Contact Us. The Oven | The Bakery | Organic Quality | The Mill | The Crew. The Stone Mill. We Stone-Grind Our Flour. All of the wheat, spelt, rye, and kamut...

Bob's Red Mill - Whole Grain Foods for Every Meal of the Day
Stone Ground Whole Grain Products "The Old Fashioned Way" Are ... sure your 100% stone ground wheat flour is what it says it is? At one time all stone ground whole wheat flour was ground on...

Canine Cafe | Glorious Goodies - Natural Dog Treats
At Canine Cafe, we pride ourselves in our delicious, homemade, healthy, and nutritious bakery treats for your dog. Our products are all natural and organic, made with the finest human...

Producers of Fine Stone Ground Products
Meadows Mills is proud to highlight our dedicated customers who have devoted their careers to providing nutritious stone ground products

Wellesley Bread Co - Bread, Rolls, Muffins More.
Bread, Rolls, Muffins More - Wellesley Bread Co.

Willow Creek Mill: All Natural Pancake Mix, Muffin Mix, Bread Mix, Breading and Batter mix, Honey, Syrup, Cereals
PO Box 66, Valders WI 54245 800-791-4049. Pancake Mix Muffin Mix Bread Mix Cake Mix Breading/Batter Hot Cereals Honey Syrup. View Cart Check Out. Contact Us. Product. ...

Cane Creek Grist Mill Products
... 1800's, which we use to grind whole grain corn and wheat into meal and flour ... to perfect working order. We produce all natural, whole grain, stone ground products with an actual working ...

Bob's Red Mill Flours and Cereals
Bob's Red Mill natural cereals and flours.

Gourmet Pizza Flavors
Stillwell's Stone Fired Pizza is a revolutionary new approach to pizza (and it is gooooood!)

Kenyons Grist Mill - Products - Johnnycakes
Kenyons Grist Mill grinds wholesome flours from pure grains, the old-fashioned way. We also produce Johnnycake mixes and other quality items for all your baking needs.

Organic Whole Grains and Flours
Organically grown stone ground flour. Established 1798. Along the banks of the Ammonoosuc River in the Heart of the White Mountains. Littleton NH...

The Faltering Quality Of Bread
An extract from 'Slim Forever' by Dr Robert Harris concerning the quality of ... iodate and azocarbonamide. Bread made from fresh stone ground flour is heavy and prone to drying and crumbling, a ...

Wades Mill - Fancy Family Flour Since 1882
Catalog. Stone-Ground flour meals & mixes. Specialty Gifts. Gourmet Cookware & Cook's Gear page 2 || 3 || Imported Linens. To request a printed catalog click here Home. Order Form. Events...

Oakview Farms Granary Stone Ground Corn and Flour Products
An old-fashioned stone burr grist mill located in Wetumpka, AL to grind whole grain cornmeal, grits and flour

Gaukel Grown & Ground natural whole wheat mixes stone ground
Specializing in all natural stone ground whole wheat products. Wheat grain bread machine mixes, pancake mix, muffin mix and cracked wheat cereal.

The Heartland Baker Heartland Mill Home Heartland Baker Home. Roller Milled Flour. Unbleached, unenriched all-purpose flour. Unbleached, enriched, malted all-purpose flour. Unbleached Strong...

Meadows Stone Burr Commercial Grain Mill Grist Wheat Corn Flour Industrial Buy Best Milling Equipment Milling ...
Commercial Stone Burr Grain Mills Meadows Grist Mill

Pricing 4 oz. $3.00 8 oz. $5.00 12 oz .$7.50 16 oz. $10.00. Dog Treats These bagged dog treats are all natural and homemade. All are made with no salt, sugar, artificial flavors or...

Grain Mills, Samap Commercial Stone Mill
Grain Mills, Samap Commercial Stone Mill. $4,500.00$4,400.00 Our Price 245A. The Commercial Samap Grain Mill with genuine mill stones with bigger performance for bakeries, catering and other...

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Chris Roe and ACN