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The Bridgeton Grist Mill

The Bridgeton Mill is a beautiful historic site as well as a fully operational gristmill. Each of our products is fresh stone ground and 100% natural.

Bridgeton Mill is located in scenic Parke County, Indiana - home to 32 covered bridges and the Covered Bridge Festival. There are several other events that take place at the mill year round, and it is open for business throughout the warm months. The mill is also available for private tours, school field trips, parties, and weddings. Please contact us for more information and available dates.

Come watch as the massive French Buhr stones gently grind wheat into flour and corn into meal. Feel the vibration in the floor as they do their work. Learn how one of the world's first factories was operated, and see Indiana's most famous covered bridge!
Bridgeton Indiana. Parke County Grist Mills. The Bridgeton Mill is a beautiful historic site as well as a fully operational gristmill. Each of our products is fresh stone ground and 100%...

The Bridgeton Mill
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1. Working together to protect an international treasure. SUPERIOR VISION, SPRING/SUMMER 2003. By Bob Olsgard. On February 24th, 2003 the. Waterkeeper Alliance approved. the Lake Superior...
SOUTH CAROLINA FOREST LEGACY PROGRAM. ASSESSMENT OF NEED. DRAFT. Statement of Purpose. South Carolina is approximately 20.5 million acres in size with 19.2 and 1.3 million acres in land area and...

Everglades. N ATIONAL P ARK. 1998 Annual Report. C REDITS. Cover photos from top left: visitors on the Anhinga Trail; a River otter, uncommon in freshwater marshes, but sometimes seen at the...

Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Land Management. General Statement. Summary. In 1998 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will accomplish important new and continuing responsibilities, such as: Managing the Grand...

natural resources2.PDF
Maine Center for Economic Policy 1. P.O. Box 437. Augusta, Maine 04332. 207-622-7381. A Sustainable Vision for. Maine’s Natural. Resources. Mark Sullivan. R....

21st Century Fund
Isabelle R. Martin House (Graycliff) PART I, PROJECT IDENTIFICATION. Project Name:  Isabelle R. Martin House (Graycliff) Name of Applicant:  Graycliff Conservancy, Inc. Mailing address:  P.O....

economics paper
In South Florida, the Environment is the Economy. - 1 - I. INTRODUCTION. The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. (GMCC) Environmental Affairs Group and the. Environmental Economics Council of...

“Catellus is committed to the principle that through creative. planning, high quality design and respect for local public pol- icy concerns, we can create value for our shareholders while. at...

Analysis of the Economic Benefits. of the. Amtrak Empire Builder. to. Montana. Table of Contents. Page. Executive Summary 1. Background 3. Brief History of Empire Builder and Amtrak 3. The...

The Forest Preserve District of Cook County
FRIENDS. OF THE F OREST P RESERVES. Friends of. the Parks. T HE F OREST P RESERVE. D ISTRICT OF C OOK. C OUNTY. Study and Recommendations. Phase I. March 2002. Friends of the Forest Preserves...

Newpaper Articles for the 1925 Clarkston Valley, MT earthquake
MONTANA IS SHAKEN BY EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS Whole State Feels Quakings From The Earth's Convultions Temblor Rocks Entire Northwest And Does Great Damage In Places--Trains Stalled By Rock Slides And...

Microsoft Word - CITY PLAN 2003 final.doc
CITY PLAN 2003/06. Version. Final. 9 July 2003. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. HOW TO CONTACT US ................................................................................3. MAYORíS...

... them here in Sherwood.We would also love to hear from you if you have any stories, which could be added to this page.A News Service ... events here in Nottingham. It would be great if there ...

P. Thomas Stanford (Peter Thomas). The Tragedy of the Negro in America: a Condensed History of the Enslavement ...
The tragedy of the Negro in America : a condensed history of the enslavement, sufferings, emancipation, present ... supported the electronic publication of this title. Text scanned (OCR) by Andrew ...

i. UPPER METHOW VALLEY. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. An update of the: Community Master Plan. Methow Valley Planning Area. Sub Unit A. Prepared by: Mazama Advisory Committee. Assisted by: Highlands...

2002 Budget Message
   2002 Budget Message. Preserving Putnam’s Future: “A Balanced Approach”. September 6, 2001. Ladies and Gentlemen of the County Legislature, Department Heads and County Employees, and...

Open Space and Recreation Plan. for the Town of Hamilton. Hamilton Open Space Working Group. Hamilton Conservation Commission. Hamilton, Massachusetts. July 1997. 2. SECTION 1. Plan Summary 1-1...

Greater Lake Okeechobee- Sub-Region 2. 90. TITLE: Herbert Hoover Dike Stabilization. SUBREGION: 2 PROJECT ID: GL01 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT: PROGRAM CATEGORY: BUDGET CATEGORY: USACE: $250,000,000....

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