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The Bridgeton Grist Mill

The Bridgeton Mill is a beautiful historic site as well as a fully operational gristmill. Each of our products is fresh stone ground and 100% natural.

Bridgeton Mill is located in scenic Parke County, Indiana - home to 32 covered bridges and the Covered Bridge Festival. There are several other events that take place at the mill year round, and it is open for business throughout the warm months. The mill is also available for private tours, school field trips, parties, and weddings. Please contact us for more information and available dates.

Come watch as the massive French Buhr stones gently grind wheat into flour and corn into meal. Feel the vibration in the floor as they do their work. Learn how one of the world's first factories was operated, and see Indiana's most famous covered bridge!

Utopia Bell Gristmill
In 1864, the first gristmill in Utopia, Ontario was built. In 1965, the mill closed, having served the community for just over a century. In 2000, reflective of our millennium celebrations,...

MEDIA ALERT: Utopia Gristmill Needs Your Support!
MEDIA ALERT- THE GRISTMILL RESTORATION JOIN THE CAMPAIGN! In 1864, the first gristmill in Utopia, Ontario was built. In 1965, the mill closed, having served the community for just over a...

Boerne Texas Chamber of Commerce
Greater Boerne Area Chamber of Commerce ? 126 Rosewood Ave., Boerne, TX 78006 (888) 842-8080 ? (830) 249-8000 ? Fax: (830) 249-9639 ? "We Are Open For Business" Boerne Texas...
Bridgeton Indiana. Parke County Grist Mills. The Bridgeton Mill is a beautiful historic site as well as a fully operational gristmill. Each of our products is fresh stone ground and 100%...

White County
Links and resources about White County.

The Bridgeton Mill
Enter brief description here

Daniel Boone Country - I75 Corridor : Attractions and Recreation
Daniel Boone Country - Southeastern Kentucky Regional Web Site - special events, lodging, attractions, tourist commissions, and more! Daniel Boone Country

London Attractions Page
Local Attractions. Area Attractions. Our location makes us an ideal stop over point or an excellent home base while visiting such popular attractions as Cumberland Falls, the Big South Fork, the...

AAA Traveler Magazine - Gristmills
The Old Mill Pioneer history preserved at Midwestern gristmills. Dillard Mill is nestled in the Ozark hills along a rocky stretch of Huzzah Creek. /Nick Decker, Missouri Department of Natural...

Links to Other Related Mill Sites and Mill Sites
The Page Begins Here Links to Other Mill Related Sites and Mill Sites -This page is constantly being updated, so please keep checking back- Other Mill Related Sites [Now Divided into Sections] Mill ...

Wolf Run Studio - Colvin Run Mill Notecards & Prints
Bill Harrah Wolf Run Studio P.O. Box 444 Clifton VA 20124. Phone: (703) 250-6711 Fax: (703) 764-9204. PRICES. ORDER FORM. DRAWING INDEX. COURTHOUSES COVERED BRIDGES GARDENS ? PARKS ?...

Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site - Historic Site Plans - Missouri State Parks and Historic Sites, MoDNR
Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site and Park, combines a unique historic site with a popular recreation area. The historic area includes the visitors center museum, the Waltus L....

MHPM - In Progress
... and to expand the total square footage of operational space by twofold. MHPM was retained to act as ... facility should be built. The Client will be fully mobilised in their new facility by the end ...
Water Wheels. Roger D. Hansen. Click Here for a PDF (printer friendly) version. From classical times, there have existed 3 general varieties of water wheels: the horizontal wheel and 2...

May 10-14, 2001: The 30th Annual SIA Conference, Washington, DC, at the Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th St, NW, Washington, DC. WELCOME BACK TO WASHINGTON FOR SIA'S 30th ANNIVERSARY. The Society for...

Grist | Main Dish | Spin the bottle | 21 May 2001
Grist Magazine: A smart, witty environmental news magazine. Daily news, columns, cartoons, book reviews. Actions to help the environment. Gloom and doom with a sense of humor.

Geology and the Civil War: Wythe County Lead Mines
Geology and the Civil War GEOLOGY AND THE CIVIL WAR IN SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA: THE WYTHE COUNTY LEAD MINES Robert C. Whisonant Department of Geology Radford University Radford,Virginia 24142 Virginia ...

ResOURces Online: Sites
FCPA Home | E-mail |Sites| |Subscribe| |Events| |Shops| |Home| There are nine fully staffed nature centers, historic sites and a horticultural center within the Park Authority's 20,000 acres of ...

New life restored to old mill
The news and information source for everything in Fredericksburg, Virginia, VA newspaper, The Free Lance-Star, Virginia

WWW Virtual Library: Museums in Canada
... Centennial Museum Society of Canmore, Canmore.Historic 1893 NWMP barracks on original site, fully restored; mining collection; Olympic 88 collecti ... City of Edmonton Archives, Edmonton.The City ...

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Chris Roe and ACN