Purple Corn – From Peru

web-purple-cornI have tried to get Purple Corn several times in the past.  Finally, I found a supplier that handled it.  It is so dark it looks like coffee beans.  Why is corn different colors?  The more vitamins in a grain the darker and more colorful it becomes.  This is the richest tasting cornmeal I have ever had.  Wonderful! !  The first order – 150lbs  sold pretty fast at the Winter Farmer’s Market in Indy.  So, I have ordered more for the Maple Syrup Fest.  Hopefully, I can get it ground, mixed and bagged before Sat.  And, it is sitting on the living room floor right now ….. so I need to get it moved to the mill.  I’m lucky to have an understanding wife that puts up with me.


  1. Ron Turner on March 9, 2010 at 9:55 am

    Hello, Mike and everyone.

    I haven’t been on your website in a good while, and didn’t know how much I had missed.

    It really is interesting to look at all you have done working on the dam. I know you have to be quite glad it is done!!

    I saw / heard you talking about the black corn at your booth at the Maple Syrup Fair and am glad to get to read about it here to understand more about it.

    I hope you have a good year this year – hope to see you during the year.

    Ron Turner

  2. The Miller on March 14, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Hi Ron
    It was nice to see you at the Maple Syrup Fest. It was good weather and lots of good folks came out for it.

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